What I know is healthcare but I have experience with single parenting, navigating divorce, changing careers, identifying physical manifestations of stress, feeling burned out, moving through dysfunctional relationships, and changing bodies as we age.
Relieve Stress &
Improve Health

Stress turns on the fight or flight response so you can be alert and ready for action. If your stress level
is high or present for a long period
of time, you can experience physical pain as a result, such as headaches, anxiety, heart palpitations, excessive worry, stomach upset, sleep disturbances, or moodiness.
Physical pain can be a way for our bodies to communicate with our minds that something is wrong or out of balance. It is imperative to rule out emergent causes of this pain first. Once that is done, identifying underlying stressors and learning to listen to what your body is telling you address the source of discomfort and help prevent more pain.
As a coach we can work together to create a balance between the needs of your mind and body, support constructive habits, and change your health.
Minimize Burnout
& Thrive Again

As a healthcare provider and mother, I was very good at putting others’ needs before my own and pushing forward to meet the demands of work and home. I lost myself and what I loved: creating a connection with patients and relationships with coworkers as well as quality time with family and friends. Because I was comfortable with the familiar, I settled into a routine and slowly moved away from what gave me joy.
Learning how to listen to my inner voice, shift my perspective, focus on gratitude, and recognize barriers to growth and fulfilment set me on a path to rediscovering what brings me happiness and balance.
My personal experience with burnout combined with my coaching techniques can help you discover your unique strengths to thrive again.
Create Positive

Alcohol crept into an intimate relationship slowly and insidiously. As alcohol dependence progressed in my partner, I gradually took on more responsibilities as my partner withdrew emotionally. The problem grew and eventually hit me over the head with the reality that he was very ill. I felt anxious, scared, and worried all of the time. My sleep was disrupted and I developed gut issues.
I was operating in survival mode, trying to make ends meet yet feeling alone. I was exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. To stop this downward spiral, I discovered the process of taking control of the pieces I could control, identifying the things that were bringing me down, asking for help, nurturing myself, and growing the roots to steady myself.
I am now grateful for the person I have become, the lessons learned, the inner strengths uncovered, and the support I have received from friends and family.
My personal experience with this coupled with my healthcare and coaching backgrounds can lend a new perspective and path forward through this challenging disease.